sâmbătă, 17 martie 2012

ARGO Premiership 2012 Grand Opening

Salutare tuturor,

ARGO Debaters sunt convocati sambata aceasta (17 martie) la ora 14:00 la Deschiderea Oficiala a ARGO Premiership 2012. NU se vor mai tine intalnirile obisnuite de grupe, Premiership-ul va fi in locul acestora.

Valabil pentru toate persoanele inscrise in Premiership: trebuie sa tratati ARGO Premiership ca pe un cocncurs AKA "NU lipsititi!".

Valabil si pentru cei care nu s-au inscris/se vor inscrie pe care ii asteptam sambata si suntem foarte curiosi sa aflam din ce motive ati decis sa va limitati antrenamentul de debate.

Dress code: Smart Casual (valabil pentru tot premiership-ul)- daca nu stiti ce inseamna google it!


14:00 - Deschidere Premiership

14:30 - Anuntare Motiune

15:30 - Runda 1

17:00 - Intalnire Operativa ARGO Open

18:00 - (Freshmen pleaca acasa) Intalnire cu Seniors si Sophmores about Junior Trainer Status

Va asteptam sambata to Debate!

duminică, 11 martie 2012

Registration Open for 2012 Premiership

Did you know...

... that some of the best debate opponents you will meet might just be right next to you?
... that you could get kick-ass constructive feedback in a regular Sunday without leaving Ploiesti?
... that you can get to call yourself ARGO's top debater?

------------------- Do the clapping, cuz Argo Premiership 2012 is on! -----------------

Some info:

Every ARGO debater is invited and expected to participate in this in-house competition, rounds stretching across March - June (no, if you are a Senior you are still not "too good for this"), break to semis/ quarters and grand final;

It only costs a ridiculous 10 RON/ debater (and as I am convening, you can fully expect cookies);

As you can dooh from this e-mail, all rounds are held in English;

GO LIVE: scheduled for the 18th of March for the moment (but stay tunned for this one as we need to get approvals and stuff);

You register as a team following the below path:
http://isondaje.ro/sondaj/250364932/1/ (I promise, promise it doesn't take more than 2min)

Deadline: THIS SUNDAY evening - 11.03.2012!

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

ARGO Premiership 2010-2011 Registration Opened

Today 22nd of Janurary 2011 the registration for the 2010-2011 Premiership is officially open. ARGO debaters have until the 31st of January to sign up and can do so by filling in the following form: www.isondaje.ro/sondaj/218583135/

The Premiership Grand opening will take place on the 6th of February.

Registration fee is 7 RON, payable at the Opening Ceremony.

miercuri, 14 iulie 2010

ARGO Premiership Semis Qualifications

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to announce the Semi-Finalist teams for the ARGO Premiership 2009-2010.

These are: Shakur, The Maveriks, New Outlook and OMG We've Killed Kenny.

The semi-finals, grand final and award ceremony will all take place on the 25th of july.

The team Ranked 1st will debate the team ranked 4th and the team ranked 2nd will debate the team ranked 3rd.

Thusly the Semi-Finals will be.

1. Shakur vs. OMG We've Killed Kenny

2. The Maveriks vs New Outlook

Speaker, Reply Speaker and full Team tabs will be revealed after the final and award ceremony.

So be there to claim your prizes!

Everyone will recieve a participation certificate.

Special prizes will be awarded for: The ARGO Champions, The Second Best Team, The Best ARGO Speaker, The top 6 speakers, The Top 2 Freshmen Speakers and The Best Reply Speaker.

Thank you and see you all on the 25th,


Convener and CA for ARGO Premiership 2009-2010

marți, 20 aprilie 2010

First Premiership Round Goes Well

This sunday, after the Premiership Grand Opening, the teams debated the motion:

This House believes that Transnistria should be an independent state

The teams debating were:

OMG We've Killed Kenny (PROP) versus New Outlook (OPP)

Piticii Pufosi Dementi de Menta (PROP) versus The Maveriks (OPP)

Elysium (PROP) versus BTH (OPP)

The debates were judged by Serban Pitic, Nae Sovaiala and Horia Tudor.

The winners this round were : OMG We've Killed Kenny, The Maveriks and Elysium.

Congrats to all and be ready for the next challange,

Serban Pitic
Conveener and Chief Adjudicator

marți, 13 aprilie 2010

ARGO Premiership Grand Oppening

Duminica viitoare la ora 11:00 va asteptam la deschiderea ARGO Debate Premiership League.

Se vor prezenta echipele, se vor discuta live toate regulile concursului si se va plati taxa de participare de 10 RON.

Se va juca prima runda a Premiershipului de catre 6 din cele 7 echipe (in total 3 meciuri, desfasurate concomitent)

Toate echipele sunt rugate sa confirme citirea acestui anunt. Participarea este obligatorie pentru toate echipele participante (people can be excused doar in cazuri pe bune de forta majora). Este un concurs si nu doar o intalnire la club. Daca exista o asemenea forta majora, anuntati ASAP.

Toata lumea inclusiv debateri care nu participa la Premiership, traineri, etc. sunt invitati sa participe la dezbateri si deschiderea concursului.

Also, un open call pentru time-keeperi disponibili.

Dress code: smart-casual/ semi-formal

Motiunea va fi despre subiectul general: Republica Moldova deci read up on the issue.

Program orientativ:

11:00 - Deschidere/Prezenta rea Echiplor

11:40 - Anuntarea Motiunii pentru Runda 1

12:40 - Runda 1

13:40 - Feedback si Decizie

vineri, 26 februarie 2010

Registration Closed - Let the Challange Begin

Registration for the Premiership is closed now. All shiver awaiting the first round of debating-battle!

There first round will be announced soon.